You can view and pre-bid on the items from midnight on June 15th (Japan Time).

Pre-bidding starts from
June 15th 3pm (JST)

The live auction will be held daily from July 1st to July 7th from 8pm (JST)


ZENBU 122 Aucion Pre-bidding
ZENBU 121 Auction Results

Mandarake ZENBU 122
Price: 1000 yen
(909 yen + tax)
Published by Mandarake

A one year subscription is 6 editions for 6000 yen, and includes a 1000 yen coupon.

If you want to know more about the items, auction or catalog, please fill in the form below.
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Q - Can I pay in dollars / euros / pounds?
A - Sorry, all payments must be made in yen.
Q - Is the catalog available in any other languages?
A - The physical copy of the catalog is in Japanese only (although there is a small section on the bidding process that is written in English). An English translation for some of the popular items is provided on the left of the main Zenbu page, as well some as important information about them. Click the pictures for more details.
Q - I want to get the catalog as soon as possible. Which store should I go to?
A - Our Nakano store usually gets the catalog a few days before its scheduled release date, so please contact the store directly. Other Mandarake stores receive their copies afterward. Regular bookstores in Japan release their copies on the 10th every other month (February, June, October, August, December, June), but this January vary depending on the store and region.
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(Items are subject to change. Please be aware of possible adjustments.)